All posts tagged: Blog Tips

Blogger Photography Tips

Here are my top tips for taking great photos. Anyone who knows me will know that I love taking photos. My favourites are displayed all over the house and I love making photo albums and scrap books. Long before Instagram existed I used to snap candid photos of my friends &  family, I carried around a huge Nikon camera on holidays, I even took photos for a family wedding. I’ve always loved curating images that capture a real moment. So, I thought I’d share some of my top tips for taking great photos. It really doesn’t matter whether you’re using an SLR, a compact camera or an iphone, the same rules apply. 1. Light. Probably the most important thing when taking photos is lighting. Daylight is the best light for faces as it’s the most natural. If you can’t get outside to take the photograph, make the room is as light as possible. Open the curtains and take the photo near to a window. Always make sure the light (the window) is behind you. (the …